14 de setembro de 2022

Vozes das Periferias leva suas vozes para NY

O Amplifying Voices from Peripheral Territories acontece no próximo dia 15/09
Many books have been written about Silicon Valley and the collection of geniuses, eccentrics, and mavericks who launched the "Digital Revolution"; Robert X. Cringely's Accidental Empires and Michael A. Hiltzik's Dealers of Lightning are just two excellent accounts of the unprecedented explosion of tech entrepreneurs and their game-changing success.

But Walter Isaacson goes them one better: The Innovators, his follow-up to the massive (in both sales and size) Steve Jobs, is probably the widest-ranging and most comprehensive narrative of them all. Don't let the scope or page-count deter you: while Isaacson builds the story from the 19th century—innovator by innovator, just as the players themselves stood atop the achievements of their predecessors—his discipline and era-based structure allows readers to dip in and out of digital history, from Charles Babbage's Difference Engine to Alan Turing.

The Innovators:
How a Group of Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
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